- Trial is a free, full-featured module with a 14-day validity period
- To download Trial you must be logged in
- Trial is covered by HelpDesk support if you got it on your account.
- After 14 days Trial module will automatically uninstall itself from your store
- Manage warehouses, integrations and shipments in PrestaShop
- Enable additional warehouses
- Quantity management
- Integration of warehouses with product suppliers
- Shipping and receiving methods from warehouses
- Stock levels on the product page
- From which warehouse will the product go to the order?
- Management of shipments from multiple warehouses
- Advanced Warehouses in PrestaShop
- Personalized customization for your business
In PrestaShop, by default there is one "Quantity" field for a product and combination. With our module, your products and combinations can be in multiple warehouses, and you can conveniently manage the order in which products are sold from multiple locations:
- You have multiple stationary stores.
- You integrate with multiple wholesalers and suppliers.
- Your products are in different locations.
- You are conducting drop-shipping .
Read the documentation before you start working with the module.

All reviews of our services are verified and come from PrestaShow customers. If you want to learn more about how we process feedback, please read our Terms of Service.
Create warehouses
A warehouse is a physical or virtual point where your product is located. Create and configure warehouses in the module configuration.

Manually add product to warehouses
- The module adds a "Warehouses" section in the product edit.
- In the section, you will bind the product and combinations to the warehouse and change the stock levels
Mass addition of products to warehouses
- You can use mass inclusion of warehouses for multiple products.
- You can enable and add warehouses using external integrations - see the module documentation for instructions.
History of warehouse movements
Each edit of the product quantity: manual, delivery, integration and movement is recorded in the Warehouse Movement History.
Quantity available for sale
For products and combinations you can mark "Quantity available for sale", which will be visible to customers. The remaining quantity will remain reserved for other purposes.

Automatic stock movements
- An order takes a product out of stock from the corresponding warehouse.
- Import and update stock from XML, CSV and API.
- Using integration with API and ERP software.
Manual warehouse movements
- Changing stocks in the product edition.
- Moving products between warehouses.
- Creation of deliveries.
Update inventories from XML, CSV, API.
You can integrate advanced inventory with suppliers and wholesalers using XML, CSV or API feeds. Use the PrestaShop Importer module for this purpose.

with the PrestaShop Importer module.

Integration with ERP, Amazon, BaseLinker...
External systems can retrieve and update data in advanced warehouses. You can find the database structure of advanced warehouses in the documentation.
External applications can still use the standard "Quantity" field in PrestaShop. When a product has advanced warehouses enabled, its standard "Quantity" field = the sum of quantities from all warehouses where the product is located.
You can associate the delivery methods available in your store with the warehouses you have created.
- Create a configuration of delivery types, times and costs for each warehouse.
- Manage stock availability and unavailability messages for each warehouse.
- Enable personal pickup at the warehouse.

In the module, you can enable the display of warehouse and stock information on the product page.
- Enable the list of warehouses with available stocks, delivery time information and personal pickup option on the product page.
- Enable the display of information about the date of the last inventory update - an extra feature for B2B.
- There are 4 warehouse list looks available in the module. You can modify each look in .css and .tpl files of the module.
Examples of warehouse list implementations on the product page:

The module records the entry and exit dates of the product from the warehouse. If the same product is in multiple warehouses, you can choose the warehouse management method.
- FIFO - first in, first out
- LIFO - last in, first out
- AVCO - weighted average
- MANUAL - set the validity of warehouses manually
Products in an order can be in multiple warehouses. In the configuration you will adjust the module to your business model.
One product in multiple warehouses
If there is a product in the customer's shopping cart that is in multiple warehouses, the product from the warehouse with the highest priority will be sold. You will set the priorities of warehouses in the module configuration.
Multiple warehouses = one shipment
If there are multiple products from multiple warehouses in the customer's shopping cart, the customer will choose one shipping method for the entire order during the order process.
Multiple warehouses = multiple shipments
If there are multiple products from multiple warehouses in the customer's shopping cart, then during the order, the module will display the delivery choices for each warehouse involved in the order.
Under the name of the warehouse, the products that will be shipped from that warehouse are listed. The customer must select the delivery method for each warehouse to proceed further.
Splitting the order by warehouse
A customer's shopping cart with products from multiple warehouses will create orders for each warehouse. For the customer, the process of splitting the order by warehouse is unnoticeable.
If you do not assign suppliers to warehouses, the order will not be divided by warehouse (1 order will be created).
A customer has products from two warehouses in a shopping cart - each warehouse has its own delivery methods configured. One shopping cart will create two orders with a common code (reference), and different ID, e.g. DXQWUQL#1 and DXQWUQL#2. Whether the customer will have to select one or multiple shipments depends on how you configure the module.

Information about data updates
In the module setting, you can enable the display of the date and time of the last inventory update on the product page.
Multistore support
In Multistore option, warehouses are shared and visible to all stores. A product with an assigned warehouse is visible with those warehouses in all Multistore stores.
Block order with multiple warehouses
Hide unavailable warehouses
You can disable showing warehouses on the product page where the product is unavailable.
Show only the warehouse with the highest priority
On the product page, show the warehouse and availability only from the highest priority product.
Order delivery time according to the longest delivery time
The final order time will be the same as the longest delivery time of the warehouse that takes part in the order (coming soon).
If you have a need that the module does not fulfill, then write to us to get a quote for a personalized implementation of the module. Here are our suggestions - ask if you are interested:
- Interactive map of warehouses and personal pickups - on the product page and in the order process.
- Integration with ERP systems with an open database, such as SubiektGT, Enova, Comarch.
- Purchase and sales price history of goods.
- Automation of inventory using scanners or data collectors.
- Automation of goods receipts, orders and shipments.
- Integration with data collectors.
- Integration with scanners, scales, displays, label printers, etc.
- Mobile application to facilitate work in the warehouse.
Technical Requirements
- PHP 7.1 - 8.x
- Server extension ionCube Loader
- PrestaShop Importer only: PHP libxml version > 2.9.3
- PrestaShop Facebook Integrator only: PHP 7.2 or higher
- PrestaShop VAT Validator only: PHP SOAP
Support = Updates + HelpDesk
You get 90 days (3 months) access to the complete PrestaShow support package.
Module updates
Modules will inform you about available updates. Read the changelog and perform a 1-click module update directly from your store.
HelpDesk panel
This is the panel where we will provide you with help. On HelpDesk you can report problems, order free module installation and updates, and order modifications and custom programming work.
Extend support
After support expires, you can use the module without any restrictions. You can extend your support access at any time you need it.
Knowledge Base & FAQ
Free forever
The knowledge base is available to everyone. You will find module documentation as well as instructions, videos and answers to frequently asked questions.
Lifetime license for the module
- You can use the module without limitation in 1 store = 1 domain.
- You can use an additional domain, e.g. for developer copy.
- For a small fee you can change the domain for the module yourself.
Additional domains for Multistore
- All our modules support PrestaShop Multistore.
- Supporting unlimited domains for PrestaShop Multistore requires purchasing multistore support for the module.
Modifying the code
- The module code related to the integration with the store and the design (.tpl, .css, .js) has open source code and you can modify it freely.
- The module's source code (.php) is encrypted with ionCube, and modifying it will void the warranty.
Demo - test the module
- You can test the module in our demo store.
- You can find the link to the demo store in the top section of ⬆️.
- If you have any problems with the operation of the demo, please contact us
No entries yet.
then the order will be split into two, for each warehouse separately, but with the same order number.
Let me explain.
I have an online store in Spain.
- I have a warehouse in France
- I have a warehouse in Spain with only 1 brand and everything from this
brand can only leave Spain.
I receive an order from Poland with 3 products:
- 2 products from the warehouse in France
- 1 product from the warehouse in Spain
I want the warehouse in France to receive the order for only its 2
products and the warehouse in Spain to receive only the order for 1
product with only 1 shipping cost.
I need this information urgently because I have to buy the module to
make progress on this problem.
1. Nie zanotowaliśmy żadnych problemów z modułem magazynów i płatnościami P24.
2. Będzie działać. Przypisaną domenę można w razie potrzeby zmienić pisząc na kontakt@prestashow.pl
3. Niestety TRIAL dla tego modułu nie jest jeszcze dostępny.
2. Nasz sklep jest pod adresem sklep.domena.pl (pod adresem test.domena.pl mamy inna stronę testową) czy w związku z tym strona testowa może być pod adresem, który mamy dla sklepu ustawiony jako testowy: skleptest.domena.pl?
3. https://helpdesk.prestashow.pl/kb/faq.php?id=120 - aby korzystać z bezpłatnej wersji trial musimy najpierw kupić wtyczkę? czy jest gdzieś do pobrania testowa wersja. Wolelibyśmy nie angażować całego działu księgowości przed sprawdzeniem czy wszystko co potrzebujemy będzie działało. Jak to zrobić?
Wydaje się że wtyczka będzie tym czego potrzebujemy - mamy taką nadzieję.
Serdecznie pozdrawiamy!
we need a multiple warehouse system for our e-shop and I'm happy I could found your solution. I've tested some real-live scenarios in your back-office admin, but it seems, the one, very important for us, didn't work as expected. There's the case:
Create 2 warehouses: Warehouse 1 (wh1) and Warehouse 2 (wh2) with method FIFO
Assign 1 product without combinations to both warehouses with some quantities, ie for wh1: 2pieces, for wh2: 5pieces. Of course with allowed advanced stock management.
Till this point everything is OK. Product quantity is 7 pieces int catalog.
The issue comes when you create order with the product with amount of 3 pieces and set order status as shipped. Available amount for this product is not updated and still shows 7 pieces, also the quantity is not updated within product edit page - Modules (tab) - Advanced Stocks Management
The order quantity exceeded quantity in wh1 but it should offer quantity from wh2 or do something… When I created order with 2 pieces of that product, everything went well and quantities have been updated. Please, do let us know, when the issue is fixed, so could buy this module.
Dear customers, to test ASM in our demo store, please check how to enable main module's functions in our knowledge base: https://helpdesk.prestashow.pl/kb/faq.php?id=79
A to właśnie miał robić ten moduł.
We are interested to buy this module but we identified that you have some issues on demo version. The state can't be selected and the window with warehouse configuration (Add/Edit) can't be scrolled. In conclusion on demo website we can't add warehouses.
Thank you,