Suggested service
This module requires manual connection of OVERRIDE files. To avoid problems, we suggest you to choose express module installation. If you know how to merge OVERRIDE files, you can install the module by yourself.

Services and extensions
This extension will allow you to configure the module independently in multiple Multistore stores. Without this extension, you will only be able to use the module in one Multistore store.

175,00 EUR VAT incl.
( 142,28 EUR net)
142,28 EUR net
175,00 EUR VAT incl.
    569 points in the loyalty program
    Premium With the module, you get 3 months of support, which you can extend at any time
    Access You will get access to the module files immediately after payment
    EU Invoice You will receive a VAT invoice with your order
    Detailed description

    Your customers will come back for repeat purchases

    PrestaShop Loyalty Program

    Professional Loyalty Program for your online store's customers - multiple opportunities to collect and redeem loyalty points increase the chances of your customer coming back and buying again.

    • Points for creating an account
    • Points for subscribing to your newsletter
    • Points for purchases
    • Points for reviews with product photos
    • Points that you award manually and for special occasions

    Customers like Loyalty Programs

    Start your own program!

    • Accrue points by
      product, category and manufacturers
    • Accrual of points
      By customer group
    • Accrual of points according to
      According to the value of the order
    • Point principles
      According to purchasing seniority
    • Point rules according to the total amount
      that the customer spent in your store
    • You can exclude selected products, products on promotion
      Or use other personalization options

    The loyalty program integrates with your store

    In the module configuration, enable the places where you want to inform the customer about the points to be earned:

    • Product page
    • Product list
    • Shopping cart
    • My Customer Account

    Convenient service for the customer and administrator

    The customer has access to all information about the loyalty program in 1 place. You have access about loyalty program in module configuration and in order preview and customer account.

    Edit the appearance and modify the placement

    You can customize the module's appearance by editing the module's lightweight .tpl and .css files. In the knowledge base, you will find instructions on how to place point information in any areas of the store.

    Reviews from selected customers

    All reviews of our services are verified and come from PrestaShow customers. If you want to learn more about how we process feedback, please read our Terms and Conditions.

    Loyalty Program Configuration

    Customize the module to fit any vision

    Flexible module configuration will allow you to customize Loyalty Program to any idea. Charge points for products, by order value, by total amount spent by the customer. You will be limited only by your imagination.


    Multiple methods of awarding points

    Let your customers collect points in many ways

    Products have different margins. The higher the margin, the more points you can offer to the customer. You can base the amount of points a customer receives for purchases on, among other things, the value of the shopping cart, the customer's group, or the total amount the customer has spent since creating an account in the store. Choose the points reward scenario and additional activities for which you want to reward customers with points.

    🛒 Points per purchase

    • Global points accrual rate by price, e.g. €1 = 5 points.
    • Individual point accrual factors for a category, manufacturer, customer group or a specific product.
    • Points accrual factor by order amount - Specify amount ranges and set their coefficients.
    • Points accrual factor depending on the sum of money spent in the store.
    • Exclusion of products that are on promotion.
    PrestaShop Loyalty
    For example: you can create a rule, for example, "2x more points for purchases from the Toys category".

    🎈 Give out points for special occasions.

    • Award points to appreciate cooperation or alleviate a problem.
    • Give out points individually or in bulk, such as at Christmas.
    • Describe the points with a note that will be visible in the history.
    • Customers will receive an email notification of the points awarded.

    🤝🏼 Points for setting up an account

    @ Points for Newsletter

    • Reward newsletter signups with points.
    • The module detects sign-ups to the standard PrestaShop Newsletter module.
    • The module will not accrue points if the customer unsubscribes and subscribes to the newsletter again.
    Customize the look of the loyalty program by editing the module's .tpl and .css files.

    💌 Points for giving feedback

    • Loyalty Program works with our PrestaShop module for collecting reviews.
    • Using both modules, you can set up a point reward for inserting reviews and for sharing photos of purchased products.
    • Points for reviews and photos will appear in the Loyalty Program module history.
    PrestaShop Products Photos and Reviews

    View the module

    Loyalty program implementation idea.

    PrestaShop Gamification - badges

    In the Loyalty Program module, the values of points collected by customers can depend, among other things, on thresholds of how much the customer has spent in your store in total. The next threshold can be another level in which the customer can earn more points and reach for greater benefits in gamification.

    If you care about badges, orders or fancy names for the next thresholds a customer can reach, you take care of that with a description with photos/pictures. The module will do the rest - inform the customer about the level earned, points earned and pending benefits.


    Ways to exchange earned points

    Exchange of points

    Exchange points for a discount voucher 🎁.

    The customer will find the history of collected points in My Account and can exchange the collected points for a discount voucher. Exchanged points are marked as settled and remain on the list for archival purposes.

    Purchases for points 🛒

    In the module, indicate the products available for purchase with points and set the number of points and the optional additional amount that the product costs, such as €10 + 1500 points. Purchase for points can be made on the product card - on the product page, next to the "Add to cart" button, the "Buy for points" button will appear. Purchase for points can also be made in the shopping cart.

    Redeem points for free delivery 🚚

    Enable "Exchange points for free delivery" and indicate the delivery methods that can participate in the exchange and specify the value of the delivery in points. The customer can exchange the collected points for free delivery. In the shopping cart or in My Account, the customer can generate a coupon for free delivery if they have enough points in their account.

    Exchange points in the boutique 🎀.

    Indicate the products from your PrestaShop catalog that will appear in the Boutique and enter their prices in points. Logged-in customers will be able to redeem the accumulated points for products available only in the Boutique. You can include products and combinations in the Boutique. For each combination you can enter the price in points. Optionally, you can increase the price of the product in points by an additional amount, such as EUR 1 + 2000 points.

    PrestaShop punkty lojalnościowe w koszyku
    Loyalty points are redeemed in My Account or directly in the shopping cart.

    prestashop rewards loyalty

    Loyalty Boutique

    Premium products for members only

    In My Account, the customer will find a Boutique where you can exchange points for products available only to members of your Loyalty Program.

    • Products from the Boutique are added to the shopping cart and ordered in the same way as other products in your store - there can be products from the Boutique and the store in the shopping cart at the same time.
    • In the Boutique you can include products and combinations that are not visible in your store.
    • Give the prices of products in the boutique in points or in points + currency, e.g. 100 pts. + EUR 10.
    • You can disable the boutique.

    Handle foreign customers and orders in different currencies

    Points are calculated according to the exchange rate in relation to the main currency of the store. If the exchange rate is 1 EUR = 4 PLN, a customer who shops for 40 PLN will receive the same number of points as a customer who shops for 10 EUR.

    All content in the module is translated in PL, EN, ES, DE, IT, FR and you can freely modify it in other languages enabled in your store using the standard translation mechanism in PrestaShop.

    Email notifications

    The module sends emails to customers, the look and content of which you can edit in lightweight .tpl files

    • Mail about accrual of new points.
    • Mail about the possibility of exchanging the collected points.
    • Mail about expiring points
    Loyalty Points Migration - CSV Import
    You can migrate points from standard PrestaShop loyalty module or import customers' points with CSV file

    Import or migrate loyalty points

    Continue an existing program

    • The module has a mechanism to import points from a CSV file. The CSV file should have columns: Customer ID and number of points.
    • The module has a 1-click points migration system from the standard PrestaShop Loyalty module.
    • You can add additional points to customers during the migration.

    Additional features

    Personalize the program to suit every need

    Points on net / gross amount

    Accrue points on the net or gross price of an order.

    Order statuses

    Order statuses for which points will be automatically charged.

    Minimum number of points

    The minimum number of points that can be redeemed.

    Exclusion of promotions

    Exclusion of products in promotion in the process of accruing points.

    Exclusion of products that can be purchased with a voucher or points

    Exclusion: points can only be used to purchase products only from selected categories.

    Expiration time of points

    You can enable the expiration of points. The customer will first use the points that are closest to the expiration date. The module will send an email to the customer reminding him of the expiration date of the points.

    Log history of points acquisition and exchange

    The module logs all operations of accrual and exchange of points. You can find the details of each operation in the module, and the customer in My Account.

    Acceptance of consent before joining the program

    Optional Consent for mandatory acceptance before joining the Loyalty Program.

    Welcome page

    The welcome page on the Loyalty Program tab in My Account.

    Leaving the Loyalty Program

    The ability to leave the Loyalty Program at any time.

    Handling purchases as a guest

    Disable the accrual of points for "Order as a guest".

    PrestaShop Multistore

    Full support for PrestaShop Multistore. Multistore support for this module is an additional charge.

    Live points conversion

    Automatic recalculation of points after changing the number of products in the shopping cart.

    Maximum of 1 voucher at a time

    Enable blocking the use of only 1 voucher for points during 1 order.

    Do you need customization?

    Ask us for a quote on customization or expansion of loyalty program for your PrestaShop store.

    Customization implementation proposals

    • Extra points for payment by classic bank transfer.
    • API - support of loyalty points generated outside the PrestaShop store, such as in stationary stores.
    • Integration of a common points account with the Referral Programmodule (PShowReferrers).
    Changelog ()
    Komentarze ()
    The reviews posted on our store are not sponsored in any way. We also verify that they were added by customers who have purchased from us or guests. If you want to learn more about this topic please read our Regulations.
    Klient Tak,: w ustawieniach modułu, w zakładce z ustawieniami kuponów możesz skorzystać z opcji opcja "Zezwalaj tylko na 1 kupon w koszyku".
    Dzień dobry, czy w module programu lojalnościowego można ustawić tak, żeby kody rabatowe nie łączyły sie z innymi kodami rabatowymi?
    Jacek, tak można ustawić czas ważności punktów. Piszemy o tym w opisie:
    Możesz włączyć wygasanie punktów. Klient w pierwszeństwie wykorzysta punkty, które są najbliższe daty wygaśnięcia.
    Jacek W
    czy jest możliwość ustawienia czasu ważności punktów czy będą one ważne do końca świata i jeden dzień dłużej ?
    Alejandro, module fully support PrestaShop 8.X :-)
    Hello! Still no news about version 1.8?
    Erik Andersson
    Alejandro, module update for PS 8 will be available up to 2023-06-30.
    Alejandro A
    Hello, does it work in PrestaShop 8.0?
    Witamy! Kiedy będzie aktualizacja programu?
    Czy jest opcja wykluczenia grup klientów z programu lojalnościowego? Chodzi o to że mam grupę hurt i nie chcę dla niej udostępniać opcji zbierania punktów.
    Łukasz, tak, rozróżnia. Punkty będą naliczone wg. ceny produktu / kombinacji. Na giełdę możesz wystawić zwykłe produkty lub konkretne, wskazane kombinację i nadać im cenę w punktach.
    Czy moduł rozróżnia wariantowość produktów tzn jedne produkt i 2 ceny (bo np 2 gramatury)?
    Artur Z
    Fajny moduł. Polecam 100%
    Andrzej, ta funkcja została wydana w wersji v1.45 - zajrzyj do changeloga.
    Kiedy można się spodziewać wprowadzenia funkcjonalności: Wyłączenie produktów, które są w promocji?
    Monika B
    Bardzo dobry program lojalnościowy z intuicyjnym i łatwym zapleczem. Jest w nim wszystko co powinno być i co najważniejsze działa bez problemów. POLECAM
    Agnieszka G
    To już nasz 5 moduł od PrestaShow. Po ustawieniu śmiga sam i rozdaje pkt, a rozdawanie pktów z ręki to super sposób na wkurzonych Klientów :P
    Anna S
    Sporo opcji nagradzania klienta, instalacja na supporcie tego samego dnia. Wszystko OK
    Marcin - ta funkcja jest zakolejkowana i zostanie wydana z najbliższymi aktualizacjami modułu.
    Patryk - moduł opinii na pewno pojawi się w naszym sklepie. Będzie zintegrowany z modułem lojalnościowym :-)
    Kiedy planujecie wdrożyć opcję nagradzania klienta punktami za zostawienie opinii o zakupie?
    Co zrobić żeby z automatu wykluczyć wygenerowany kod rabatowy za punkty lojalnościowe z innymi rabatami wygenerowanymi w prestashop?
    Drodzy Państwo, moduł Programu Lojalnościowego dostał wiele poprawek. Wprowadziliśmy również sporo nowych funkcji inspirując się Państwa zgłoszeniami na HelpDesk. Zachęcamy do sprawdzenia najnowszej odsłony modułu. Andrzej B, Jan Kowalski - zapraszamy do kontaktu mailowego, udostępnimy Państwu najnowsze aktualizacje modułu :-)
    Andrzej B
    Zakupiłem moduł w październiku wraz z usługa instalacji. Od początku nie działał prawidłowo, był dwukrotnie poprawiany, niestety do dzisiaj sprzedający nie jest wstanie prawidłowo wdrożyć modułu.
    Jan Kowalski, załóż zgłoszenie na lub podaj numer zgłoszenia. Nie spotkaliśmy jeszcze takiego błędu, pomożemy Ci priorytetowo.
    Jan Kowalski
    "Nie masz uprawnień, aby wyłączyć moduł pshowloyaltyprogram." tylko z tym modułem jest taki problem... nie polecam!
    Moduł wymagał zadania kilku pytań na supporcie. Jesteśmy zadowoleni (:
    Krzysiek Skoczeń
    Standardowo pod wrazeniem jestem waszych rozwiazan. Wymiana punktów na ekskluzywne produkty (tak to u siebie zrobilismy) jest prima sort.
    Katarzyna Nowotniak
    OK i moduł i wsparcie
    Michał Polkowicki
    Polecam. Plus za szybką rozbudowę o mnożnik punktów :)

    Leave a comment

    Write a comment By adding an opinion you agree to the processing of your personal data. Read more about our Privacy Policy.

    • Rating:

    Technical requirements

    You can read more about the requirements in the knowledge base
    Minimum requirements for all modules:

    • PHP 7.1 - 8.x
    • Server extension ionCube Loader
    • PrestaShop Importer only: PHP libxml version > 2.9.3
    • PrestaShop Facebook Integrator only: PHP 7.2 or higher
    • PrestaShop VAT Validator only: PHP SOAP
    Support and updates
    • You get 3 months of support access to the module.
    • Support gives you access to HelpDesk and module updates.
    • After support expires, you can use the module indefinitely - in the version that was available on the day your support expired.
    • You can extend your access to support and updates at any time

    Module updates

    90 days

    Modules will inform you when an update is available. Refer to the changelog. Module updates are conveniently 1-click from your store.

    HelpDesk support

    90 days

    HelpDesk is a panel where we provide help for modules. On HelpDesk you can order module modifications and custom programming work.

    Knowledge Base - FAQ

    For free

    The knowledge base is available to everyone. In it you will find documentation of modules and answers to frequently asked questions.


    The license is perpetual for 1 domain

    Multistore domains

    • All our modules support PrestaShop Multistore
    • Supporting unlimited domains for PrestaShop Multistore requires purchasing multistore support for the module.

    Modifying the module code

    • The module code related to the integration with the store and the appearance (.tpl, .css, .js) has open source code and you can modify it freely.
    • The module's source code (.php) is encrypted with ionCube, which ensures security and increases the module's performance. PHP code you can't modify.
    • You can test some modules in our demo store. You can find the link to the demo store in the top section of the page
    • You can test some modules for free by downloading 14-day Trial .
    • If you have any problems with the operation of the Demo or Trial version, please contact us

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