Services and extensions
Express module installation is done on HelpDesk up to 3 working days. You can install the modules on your own - see the FAQ on HelpDesk for instructions.

This extension will allow you to configure the module independently in multiple Multistore stores. Without this extension, you will only be able to use the module in one Multistore store.

200,00 EUR VAT incl.
( 162,60 EUR net)
162,60 EUR net
200,00 EUR VAT incl.
    650 points in the loyalty program
    Premium With the module, you get 3 months of support, which you can extend at any time
    Access You will get access to the module files immediately after payment
    EU Invoice You will receive a VAT invoice with your order
    Detailed description

    PrestaShop Scrapper and Crawler

    Get product information from the Internet

    Scrapper is an agile module that can find information about your products on other websites.

    • Scrapper will allow you to independently link a product in your store to the same product in other online stores.
    • Based on the found data, Scrapper can update product information in your PrestaShop store.
    • Updating prices and quantities is done in a secure way, e.g. the price in your store can be 1 EUR lower than the price on a competing site, but not lower than the purchase price of the product in your store (purchase price).
    In the product edition, the module adds a tab where you can provide links to the sites from which you want to download product data to, for example, update prices and quantities in your store in a smart and secure way.

    Download product data from external sources

    The module will take care of your offer

    The module works in two modes: Product Scraper and Catalog Scraper.

    Product Scraper - for a specific product

    ProductScraper allows you to link your product to any page of that product on the Internet and securely update or modify product data in your store

    Product Scraper analyzes stores and websites that have structured data (Schema, Rich Snippets). Pages without structured data require customized implementation.

    • If the searched site has structured data, Scrapper will confirm the ability to automatically work with the indicated site.
    • Product Scraper supports data: quantity and price. Support for additional data is possible on individual request.
    • If the analyzed page does not have structured data or has blocks, then automatic scraping can be prepared on individual order.
    • Customization of Scraper by our team for unstructured pages and individual needs takes 1-5 working days.
    You can create the Product Scraper yourself in the product edition in the Back Office.

    Catalog Scraper - for the entire product catalog

    Catalog Sc raper in an automated way can search the entire indicated web pages to find many products from your store. A Product's Scrapper is created for the products found.

    Catalog Scraper requires customized implementation! Implementation of Catalog Scraper takes 2-5 business days - contact us.

    • Search for your products can be done by EAN13, product code or name, or by any other data.
    • Found products will be automatically linked to products in your store.
    • Information about products in your store will be updated or modified according to scheduled automations.

    Note: Some wholesalers allow you to analyze their pages to retrieve product data. If the target site has protections against bulk data analysis, your server's IP address may be blocked and scraping may not be possible.

    Catalog Scraper can automatically update information about all products in your store based on the data it finds online.

    Monitor product prices on the Internet

    Automate price competition

    The module will allow you to easily link products in your store to products in your competitors' wholesalers and stores.

    Scenario of how the module works

    1. Paste the link to the page you want to scrape in the module - the module will tell you if automatic scraping is possible.
    2. Indicate the data you want to scrap. By default, the module supports scraping of product quantity and price information.
    3. The module will allow you to enter conditions and modifications for the found data, such as secure price and quantity conversion factors.
    4. Scraper will update and modify the products in your store if the conditions are met.
    5. On individual order, we will customize the module to support scraping of more data (descriptions, images, features and more) and integrate the scraper with artificial intelligence (AI, Chat GTP and more).
    In the module configuration, you can test the automatic scraping of pages you want to associate with your products.
    In the module configuration, you can set safeguards for automatic scraping of prices from other websites.

    Order a customized implementation

    PrestaShop Scraper is a ready-made module that allows you to perform independent scraping of single product information. We can customize the module for mass operation and your individual needs.

    Pricing of an individual scenario

    We can quickly customize the module to meet your individual needs. After purchasing the module, contact us - send an answer to the following questions using the contact page.

    Answer the following questions

    1. Provide a link to the page you want to Scrap.
    2. Are there products in your store that you want to Scrap? Do you want to add new products, or do you want to update information about existing products in your store?
    3. Do the products have a common product code by which you can link the products in your store to the products you want to scrap?
    4. What data do you want to scrap (quantity, price, description, photo, etc.)?
    5. Do you want to modify the scraped data in your store? Describe the desired modifications in detail.

    Scrapper can handle and modify any product information

    • Product Scraper can find on the Internet and update in your store information about the quantity and price of products.
    • On individual order, we will expand the module to support scraping of additional data, such as descriptions, photos, tags, product features, etc.
    • On individual order, Scraper can freely modify and create data, e.g. descriptions with AI, like Chat GPT.

    We develop the module according to user needs

    • Catalog Scraper - indicate the range of products to be searched and updated.
    • History (log) of found, updated and not updated products.
    • Integration with Proxy - will enable regular change of Scraper IP.
    • Ability to add multiple Scrapers for one product and link the product to multiple sites.
    • Automatic download of images, descriptions and other product information.
    • Self-creation of scraped content modifiers using regular expressions.
    • Email notifications about completed operations and lower prices for products found from competitors.
    Changelog ()
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    Technical requirements

    You can read more about the requirements in the knowledge base
    Minimum requirements for all modules:

    • PHP 7.1 - 8.x
    • Server extension ionCube Loader
    • PrestaShop Importer only: PHP libxml version > 2.9.3
    • PrestaShop Facebook Integrator only: PHP 7.2 or higher
    • PrestaShop VAT Validator only: PHP SOAP
    Support and updates
    • You get 3 months of support access to the module.
    • Support gives you access to HelpDesk and module updates.
    • After support expires, you have permanent access to the module in the version that was available on the day your support expired.
    • You can extend your support access at any time

    Module updates
    90 days

    Modules will inform you when an update is available. Refer to the changelog. You will update a module conveniently with 1-click.

    HelpDesk support
    90 days

    HelpDesk is a panel where we provide help for modules. On HelpDesk you can order modifications and custom programming work.

    Knowledge Base - FAQ
    For free

    The knowledge base is available to everyone. In it you will find documentation of modules and answers to frequently asked questions.


    Main domain and secondary domains

    • The module license is perpetual and you can use it without time limit.
    • You can assign the module license to 1 store = 1 domain.
    • You can add an additional domain for a test store.
    • Changing the domain is possible - for this purpose contact us.

    Multistore domains

    • All our modules support PrestaShop Multistore
    • Supporting unlimited domains for PrestaShop Multistore requires purchasing multistore support for the module.

    Modifying the module code

    • The module code related to the integration with the store and the appearance (.tpl, .css, .js) has open source code and you can modify it freely.
    • The module source code (.php) is encrypted with ionCube.
    • You can test some modules in our demo store. You can find the link to the demo store in the top section of the page
    • You can test some modules for free by downloading 14-day Trial .
    • If you have any problems with the operation of the Demo or Trial version, please contact us
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