Services and extensions
Express module installation is done on HelpDesk up to 3 working days. You can install the modules on your own - see the FAQ on HelpDesk for instructions.

This extension will allow you to configure the module independently in multiple Multistore stores. Without this extension, you will only be able to use the module in one Multistore store.

75,00 EUR VAT incl. 60,98 EUR net
60,98 EUR net
75,00 EUR VAT incl.
    244 points in the loyalty program
    Support and
    Updates With the module, you get 3 months of support, which you can extend at any time
    Access You will get access to the module files immediately after payment
    VAT 0% You will receive a EU-invoice with 0% VAT.
    Detailed description

    Cache in web browsers

    PrestaShop cache speeds up your store's performance

    Web browsers save your store's resources in their cache to make the store load faster.

    When a customer's browser can load some of the store's files from its cache, the server that hosts your store doesn't have to upload all the files and data each time the store loads, so your PrestaShop store loads faster.

    If you modify the files responsible for the appearance or functionality of your PrestaShop store (css, tpl, js) then your store's customers may not see your changes, because the cache system in the customer's browser refreshes itself only every so often, but not with every change you make to the store's files.

    Advantages of using cache:

    • The store loads much faster.
    • The server's Internet connection is less stressed.
    • Your server uses less CPU and RAM resources.

    Force cache refresh in your browser

    Automatically refresh the cache in the customer's browser

    If returning customers can't see the changes you've made to your store, template or modules, this module will solve this problem. The module will force a cache refresh in the browser if there are outdated files in the cache.

    Smart method of operation

    1. The module versions files on your server that may be stored in the browser cache.
    2. The module compares the version of the browser cache files when loading the store with the version of the file on the server.
    3. If the versions differ, the module sends a request to the browser to generate a new cache
    4. The browser updates the cache
    Global.css file version v301

    Quick and unnoticeable

    The process of regenerating the cache is unnoticeable to the customer and does not significantly affect the loading speed of the store in the browser.

    The customer's browser will delete and generate a new cache only for the files that have changed on your server. The rest of the browser cache will remain unchanged.

    The module requires no configuration and works automatically right after installation.

    Install and forget

    Install and then enable the module. From the moment you enable the module, your returning customers will always see the current version of your store. The module requires no additional configuration.

    The module refreshes the cache in all browsers available on the market, including Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge, GNOME Web, Midori, Falkon, Pale Moon, Waterfox and others.

    In the module you will find a "Clear Cache" button, which will force clearing the Cache in the browsers of all customers visiting the store. Its use is not required. The module detects changes in files and cache automatically.

    Changelog ()
    Komentarze ()
    The reviews posted on our store are not sponsored in any way. We also verify that they were added by customers who have purchased from us or guests. If you want to learn more about this topic please read our Regulations.
    Piotr Kamiński
    Przydatny moduł zarówno na wersji developerskiej i produkcji. Wszystko ok.
    Łucja R
    Zbigniew Gaszkowski
    Działa zawsze i bezobsługowo. Szczerze polecam
    Artur Potocki
    Moduł wersjonuje cache. Jakakolwiek zmiana plików na serwerze wymusza wyczyszczenie cache w przeglądarce. Rozwiązanie bezobsługowe - nie zdziwicie się z ubogości funkcji w konfiguracji, ale najważniejsze że działa :-)
    Elena Keller
    OK. Thanks.
    Piotr K
    Nie wiem do co powodowało brak zmian na froncie, prawdopodobnie coś z szablonem. Moduł pomógł. Można polecać.

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    • Rating:

    Technical requirements

    Technical Requirements

    • PHP 7.1 - 8.x
    • Server extension ionCube Loader
    • PrestaShop Importer only: PHP libxml version > 2.9.3
    • PrestaShop Facebook Integrator only: PHP 7.2 or higher
    • PrestaShop VAT Validator only: PHP SOAP

    More on technical requirements in the knowledge base

    Support & Updates

    Support = Updates + HelpDesk

    You get 90 days (3 months) access to the complete PrestaShow support package.

    Module updates
    Modules will inform you about available updates. Read the changelog and perform a 1-click module update directly from your store.

    HelpDesk panel
    This is the panel where we will provide you with help. On HelpDesk you can report problems, order free module installation and updates, and order modifications and custom programming work.

    Extend support
    After support expires, you can use the module without any restrictions. You can extend your support access at any time you need it.

    Knowledge Base & FAQ

    Free forever

    The knowledge base is available to everyone. You will find module documentation as well as instructions, videos and answers to frequently asked questions.


    Lifetime license for the module

    Full content of the license

    Module management panel user manual

    Additional domains for Multistore

    • All our modules support PrestaShop Multistore.
    • Supporting unlimited domains for PrestaShop Multistore requires purchasing multistore support for the module.

    Modifying the code

    • The module code related to the integration with the store and the design (.tpl, .css, .js) has open source code and you can modify it freely.
    • The module's source code (.php) is encrypted with ionCube, and modifying it will void the warranty.

    Demo - test the module

    • You can test the module in our demo store.
    • You can find the link to the demo store in the top section of ⬆️.
    • If you have any problems with the operation of the demo, please contact us

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