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    Detailed description

    PrestaShop Backup Pro

    Automatic remote backups of your store and database

    Backups consist of:

    • All production store files
    • The production store'sdatabase
    • Git (repository)

    Copies are made regularly, on an external server.

    1. Backup archives are encrypted and password-protected before being sent
    2. Secured archives are sent to an external server
    3. Old archives are automatically deleted

    Backup is performed automatically when there is the least traffic on the server. Backup is performed in a Linux shell, which guarantees minimal load on the server and error-free backups.

    Optimal backup configuration

    • Complete copy, made 1x a day, stored for 7 days
    • One complete copy from each week stored for 1 month
    • Any configuration you deem optimal for your eCommerce business

    Backup restoration

    Depending on the performance of the server's Internet connection and the size of the backup package, restoring the package to the original server takes from several seconds to several tens of minutes.

    A backup will save your situation when:

    • Your original server refuses to serve, crashes or is attacked from the outside
    • Data in the database crashes or is deleted by mistake
    • Upgrading or installing modules dumps the store
    • You will want to access the old version of the store
    • You will want to run a copy of the store on another server

    Backup + Docker

    We can supplement the backups with configuration files for Decker. Docker will speed up the restoration of the server environment and the launch of the store and database on the server.


    • Your server hosting the store with full root access
    • Any server to host a copy

    For maximum consistency, we encourage you to order a backup system along with a store and server optimization service and have our teamdeploy your new server


    We cover configurations with a 3-month warranty, during which we test and optimize the implemented solution.

    Komentarze ()
    The reviews posted on our store are not sponsored in any way. We also verify that they were added by customers who have purchased from us or guests. If you want to learn more about this topic please read our Regulations.
    Monika B
    Usługa wykonana bardzo sprawnie i rzetelnie. Kopie są tworzone codziennie i wysyłane na oddzielny dysk co daje dużo spokoju. Bardzo pomocny support uzyskałem odpowiedz na wszystkie moje pytania a było ich trochę:) Pozdrawiam i polecam praca wykonana bardzo dobrze.

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